Addressing Video Game Addiction: Challenges and Solutions

Video games have become an integral part of many of our lives. Honestly, I’m glad they have; they’re great! They offer a form of entertainment that is so immersive and unmatched by any other medium. However, with the rise in video game popularity, we also see a rise in video game addiction. And let's be real, that's a tough battle to face. Addiction can have serious consequences on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. In this article, we'll explore the challenges of video game addiction and the solutions to overcome them.

The Pervasiveness and Social Acceptance of Gaming

One of the biggest hurdles in tackling video game addiction is how prevalent it has become in our society. Video games are everywhere – from consoles to smartphones, and even in the workplace and schools. As a result, they've become a widely accepted form of entertainment and a common pastime for people of all ages. This makes it challenging to identify and address the problem of video game addiction, as it is often viewed as normal and acceptable behavior.

Solution: Awareness and Education

The first step in addressing the pervasiveness and social acceptance of gaming is to raise awareness and educate the public on the dangers of video game addiction. This can be done through community outreach programs, educational campaigns, and media coverage. By educating people about the potential risks of video game addiction, we can help to change the perception of gaming and make it easier to recognize and address the problem.

Games Designed to be Addictive

Another challenge in tackling video game addiction is the fact that many games are designed to be as addictive as possible. Game developers use various techniques to keep players engaged and coming back for more. These techniques include rewarding players with in-game items, points, and achievements, and creating an endless cycle of content that players must complete to progress. This cycle of reward and achievement is what makes video games so addictive, and it can be a tough nut to crack when trying to address the problem of video game addiction.

Solution: Awareness

It is important for gamers to be aware of the techniques used by game developers to keep them engaged. As paradoxical as this may sound, if you understand that the addictive design of games have power over you, you gain more control of your ability to manage them. If you understand this, you can use other tools to help you recognize how much you’re playing and take moments to stop. For instance, you can use a phone alarm at specific increments, or you can set hard limits in terms of how many games you will play and stop after that. You’ll probably notice that even in doing this, your mind will try to convince you to play more. Be prepared for how you will respond when that happens!

The Impact of Games on the Brain's Reward Centers

Video games also have an impact on the reward centers of the brain. These centers are responsible for regulating pleasure, motivation, and reward. When playing video games, the brain releases dopamine, a chemical that produces feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. As mentioned in the section above, games have been designed to release as much dopamine as possible to keep people playing. Over time, the brain becomes conditioned to associate playing video games with the release of dopamine, leading to a dependence on the activity. This can make it difficult for individuals to quit playing video games, even when they want to.

Solution: High-Excitement Alternative Activities and Knowledge

To address the impact of games on the brain's reward centers, it is important to engage in alternative activities that release dopamine in a healthy way. One thing to note is that video games release an abnormally high amount of dopamine, and most activities will feel very boring in comparison at first. It’s important to be aware of that, and to know that over time, these activities will become enjoyable again. For that reason, it’s also important to choose high excitement activities, or activities that you find very fulfilling. Along with that, to appreciate the fact that you chose activities that are fulfilling for you despite the fact that they’re not as fun as video games. Some activities may include a martial art, going to the gym, hiking, going to concerts or other events, spending time with friends, or rock climbing. By engaging in these activities, individuals can help to rewire their brains and reduce their dependence on video games.

Reducing Mindfulness

Finally, video games can also reduce mindfulness, which is the ability to be present in the moment and fully engaged in what one is doing. Video games often require players to be fully absorbed in the game, and while this is part of what makes them so enjoyable, it also makes it difficult for them to be aware of how much time is spent playing. Furthermore, it can make people unaware of important feelings that would otherwise cause them to stop playing and move onto other important things in their lives. As a side note, video games actually decrease activity in the emotional recognition centers of your brain. Unfortunately, this does not stop you from having emotions; it simply stops you from feeling them. This often leads to people being controlled by their emotions without recognizing it.

Solution: Mindfulness practice

To address the reduction of mindfulness caused by video games, one can intentionally practice mindfulness. This can be done through the more stereotypical practices (you can find many apps and youtube videos if you want to go this route), or you can actually incorporate it into your gaming! Below are some examples:

  1. Mindful breathing: Before starting a gaming session and in between matches, take a minute to recognize your breath and your body sensations. How are you feeling?

  2. Reflect on the game: After each gaming session, take a few minutes to reflect on what you learned, what challenges you faced, and how you can apply these experiences to real life. Think about how you’ve spent your time, and whether or not you would like to continue spending your time that way. If yes, great! If no, create a plan.

  3. Take breaks: Set a timer for yourself to take a break every hour or so to stretch, hydrate, and check in with your thoughts and emotions.

  4. Practice gratitude: Make a habit of taking a moment to appreciate and acknowledge the positive aspects of gaming and your life outside of gaming.

By incorporating these mindful practices into your gaming routine, you can increase your awareness of your thoughts and emotions, reduce the negative impacts of gaming, and cultivate a more balanced and fulfilling gaming experience.


In conclusion, video game addiction is a growing concern due to its pervasiveness and social acceptance, addictive design, impact on the brain's reward centers, and reduction of mindfulness. However, by raising awareness and education, being aware of addictive techniques, engaging in high-excitement alternative activities, practicing mindfulness, and incorporating mindful practices into gaming, individuals can reduce the negative impacts of video game addiction and keep enjoying the wonderful things they have to offer!

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