The Importance of Self-Care for Parents of Children with Video Game Addiction

Being a parent is simultaneously one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences life has to offer. However, that challenge can be even greater when you have a child dealing with video game addiction. Addressing these challenges is no easy task and can take a toll on your emotional and physical well-being. It is common for parents to express frustration, feelings of being exhausted, worry, resentment, and plain old sadness. Especially given these feelings, it can be hard to parent from a place of understanding and empathy. In this blog, we’ll talk about some common challenges, the importance of taking care of yourself, and some steps you can take to do so along the way.

The Top Concerns I Hear from Parents

In my last few years of practice, I’ve heard a stunningly similar list of concerns from different parents repeatedly. The experience of dealing with a child's video game addiction can bring up a range of emotions and challenges, and validly so. Seeing your child's grades decline or worrying about the effects of excessive video game use on their mental and physical health can be difficult and stressful. It can also be challenging to find effective ways to set boundaries and rules around video game use, and to navigate the complex emotions that come with parenting. It's common as well to feel guilt and self-doubt, especially when you're trying to help your child overcome a difficult issue like video game addiction. However, it's important to remember that you are not alone in this experience. Below are some common expressions I hear from parents:

  • "I feel like I'm constantly battling with my child over their video game use. I’m exhausted and sick of arguing."

  • "I worry about the impact of video games on my child's health and their future success. I feel like I'm at a loss for what to do, because nothing seems to be working."

  • "I feel guilty for not being able to help my child. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing. All of their friends are on the game, and It sucks to take that away from them."

  • "I'm so worried about my child's grades and their future. I think they’re addicted. I don't know how to help them balance their video game use and see that it’s a problem."

The Hard Work of Parenting and the Importance of Self-Care

Being a parent is a passionate and selfless act, requiring a great deal of hard work, dedication, and love. Often times, parents put their children's needs before their own and work tirelessly to provide them with the best life possible. On behalf of your children and myself, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for doing all that you do to help your kid find a happy and balanced life, especially when it comes to technology. With that being said, you deserve more than gratitude.

In the midst of this demanding journey, it is essential for parents to prioritize their own well-being and engage in self-care. This can mean taking a break from the daily routine, engaging in hobbies and interests, spending time with loved ones, or simply taking a moment to recharge. Self-care is crucial for parents to maintain their physical, emotional, and mental well-being, and to be better equipped to handle the challenges that come with parenting. When parents take care of themselves, they not only benefit themselves but also their children, as they are better equipped to provide love and support.

Coping Strategies and Self-Care for Managing the Challenges of Raising a Child with Video Game Addiction

Raising a child with video game addiction can be a difficult and overwhelming experience, but by developing effective coping strategies, parents can better manage these challenges. Some of the most useful coping strategies include:

  • Educating oneself about video game addiction and its impact on the brain and behavior. By gaining a deeper understanding of the addiction, parents can approach it in a more informed and effective manner. This blog is filled with more information on this, and I would invite you to read or reach out to me if you have any other further questions!

  • Providing yourself with time and space away from your children. Especially if you notice yourself getting more easily frustrated, it is wise to have some time and space away from the challenge (even if it’s just a few hours) so that you can get back to appreciating the great parts that come along with being a parent.

  • Spend more positive time with your kids. Make time to engage in their interests with them, show them one of your interests, and you may even join along in the gaming!

  • Seeking support from friends, family, and support groups. This provides a network of support and encouragement, and can help parents feel less isolated in their journey. I have a free parent support group listed below.

  • Practicing mindfulness and stress-reduction techniques to stay calm and centered. This helps parents maintain their mental and emotional well-being and better cope with the challenges of raising a child with video game addiction.

Professional Help: A Vital Resource for Parents

In some cases, seeking professional help may be necessary to effectively manage a child's video game addiction. Many times, parents will try to convince their child to attend therapy. If your child is willing to go, that’s great, however often times your child will be hesitant. In my professional opinion, it’s actually just as helpful if not more helpful for parents to go to therapy to learn how to better approach this challenging situation. Some of my favorite clients to work with have been parents who aim to get some support in better guiding their child, and I especially appreciate seeing the relief in parents as they start learning to prevent arguments and set boundaries that their children will listen to. It's ideal for parents to work with a professional who has experience in treating video game addiction and understands the unique challenges and pressures faced by parents. This may not be available because there aren’t many therapists who have knowledge about video game addictions, and in this case, any therapist who has knowledge about addictions and works with families will have sufficient tools to help.


Raising a child with video game addiction can be a trying and stressful experience, but by prioritizing self-care, developing healthy coping strategies, and seeking professional help when necessary, you can effectively manage your child's addiction and maintain your own well-being. You can help your child overcome video game addiction and live a happy and fulfilling life, and you also deserve to have a life that you enjoy in the process. Need help getting there? Check out my free resources below.

FREE 5-Step Guide to start Breaking the Cycle of Argument and Game Addiction:

FREE Parent Support Group. Receive support from myself and other parents who are working on managing the challenge of parenting in the digital age.


The Mind-Body Connection in Video Game Addiction


The Hero’s Journey: Video Game Addiction and Confidence