Video Game Addiction: A Guide for Couples

Are Video Games impacting your relationship with one another? Do you feel like you're on different teams, struggling to find a balance between your love for gaming and your love for each other? You're not alone; this is a concern that I’m hearing about more frequently than ever. Video game addiction is a real problem, and it's affecting many couples just like you. But, with the right tools and support, you can overcome it together.

In this blog post, we'll dive deep into the impact of video game addiction on relationships and offer practical tips and guidance for couples who want to overcome it together. If you are looking for a way to come to a better understanding and balance, this guide is for you. Let's get started!

For the Partner of the Gamer: Understanding the Challenges and Approaching Conversations with Empathy

Dating a gamer can feel extremely disconnecting, hopeless, and frustrating. You may feel ignored, neglected, and lonely as your partner spends more and more time playing video games. Many partners of gamers report feeling as though the games are more important than them, and feeling as though they are competing for attention with an inanimate object. Given the above, it can be hard to approach conversation around gaming. You may notice that your feelings of hurt make it hard to discuss things calmly, and if you’ve tried to approach this already, you’ve likely been met with defensiveness from your partner that has left you feeling more alone. The first step to working on this together is making sure to regulate your own feelings. Talk to friends, journal, and take a moment to be mindful and validate yourself. After all, your hurt and frustration is a sign of how much you care about this relationship.

It's important to approach any conversations about gaming with empathy and understanding. Start by expressing your concerns in a kind and non-judgmental way, and let your partner know that you're there to support them. Blame and accusations will only make the situation worse, so be sure to approach these conversations with an open heart and a listening ear. For example, you may say, “Hey, I know how much you enjoy gaming and I want you to have that time. Recently I’ve felt a little bit lonely and I find myself wanting more time with you. Can we talk about how to find a balance together?”

For the Gamer: Balancing Your Love for Gaming and Your Relationships

For you, the gamer, navigating gaming while in a relationship can be extremely conflicting; the balance between the love of gaming and the appreciation of your partner and the feelings of shame and guilt around how that is impacting your partner can make it even more difficult. You may prioritize your video games over your partner, sacrificing time and energy that could be spent on building and maintaining your relationship. You want to play games and enjoy that aspect of your life, but at the same time, you don't want to hurt or neglect your partner.

Having a partner who wants your time and attention when you're feeling the pull to play video games can be challenging and frustrating. It's important to find balance and navigate your relationships while still enjoying your love for gaming. Many gamers want their partners to understand their love for gaming and end up feeling criticized and attacked when their partner’s approach the conversation around gaming. There are two important things to know:

1. It’s okay that you enjoy and love video games, and it’s important for you to communicate what you enjoy about games to your partner.
2. Your partner wants you to understand how much they’ve been impacted by your gaming just as much as you want them to understand how much you enjoy gaming. Make room for both, and ideally, take time to understand your partner first.

Combining these two, you can say, “I realize that I’ve been spending a lot of time gaming. Can you tell me what that has been like for you?” After that, validate your partner. After that, you can express more about what you enjoy about gaming and what makes finding a balance challenging for you.

Practical Tips for Overcoming Video Game Addiction Together: Getting on the Same Team

So, what can you do as a couple to overcome and find balance? Here are some practical tips:

  1. Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries around video game use, such as limiting playing time or scheduling time for other activities. Agree to this together, and consider each other’s perspectives. Make sure that you both agree, and that you aren’t moving forward simply to get it over with.

  2. Focus on understanding one another: Open and honest communication is key to overcoming video game addiction. Talk to each other about your feelings and concerns and listen to each other's perspective. Both of you are reading this guide, and you both have the same goal of having a better relationship. Create an open environment where each person is free to talk without the other person taking it personally.

  3. Game and do other activities together: This is the “Why not Both?” approach. If you can find a game that you can both enjoy and bond over, spending some time doing that is a great solution. In addition, finding some other activities that you enjoy together away from the home is a great natural way to find a balance.

  4. Seek support: Don't be afraid to reach out for help. Therapy is a good option if you’re really having a hard time finding balance and communicating.

Spending Intentional Quality Time Together

In addition to the steps above, a super underrated and important piece is to spend intentional quality time together as a couple. The real key is to connect more, and you can structure your lives in a way that creates opportunities for that regularly. Make a point to schedule regular date nights, quality time, or even simply a walk together a couple of times per week. Another strategy I’ve seen couples use successfully is to agree to go to bed together and have some time to connect before bed. Another Moreover, consider having a weekly check-in to talk about how each partner is feeling about the balance of time spent in the relationship. This can be a helpful tool for ensuring that both partners feel heard and valued, and it can help you both stay on track with your goal of overcoming video game addiction together.


Video game addiction is a real problem that can have a significant impact on your relationship. With understanding, empathy, and a plan you can overcome it together. By setting boundaries, communicating openly, focusing on connection, spending intentional quality time together, and seeking support, you can get back on the same team. Remember, overcoming video game addiction takes time and effort, but the reward is a stronger and healthier relationship. Don't give up hope, and don't be afraid to reach out for help. You all have got this.

Are you a parent? Check out the free resources below.

FREE 5-Step Guide to start Breaking the Cycle of Argument and Game Addiction:

FREE Parent Support Group. Receive support from myself and other parents who are working on managing the challenge of parenting in the digital age.


Help your Video Game Obsessed Child: The Magic of Empathy and Understanding


Finding Balance: Setting Realistic Goals for Balancing Video Game Use